Nehemiah Business Training

Международна Академия по Приложно Християнство “ПО-ВИСОКО ИЗМЕРЕНИЕ” стартира Неемия Бизнес Програма в партньорство с Nehemiah Project Intl НЕЕМИЯ БИЗНЕС ПРОГРАМАТА екипира бизнес лидери в принципите на Библейско предприемачество с цел стартиране, изграждане и разширяване на бизнеси   Академия “По-високо Измерение” обявява конкурс за подбиране на двама лидери в областта на бизнес предприемачество, които да бъдат…

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Personal Stories

Personal Stories

Personal Stories Every refugee has a unique and heartbreaking story. Many left everything familiar behind to start a journey in search of a better life, hope, and freedom. They already started questioning their original beliefs as well as the governing system of their countries. When they witness sincere love and acceptance, they are quite open…

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Thousands of Bibles are distributed among the refugees in their native languages. Consistent love shown to refugees week after week spark their curiosity; they start asking questions, ”Why do you care? Why do you do this for us without expecting anything in return?” Most of them start attending our weekly gatherings to receive prayer in…

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Humanitarian Help

Many refugees arrive in Bulgaria carrying only a single backpack. They do not have clothes, shoes or basic necessities. Most have lost everything in life, even hope. When they witness the sincere love of our outreach teams, they find new strength and faith. Partner with us today! DONATE NOW

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Children’s Relief

Babies and little children in the camps are severely affected by the lack of basic necessities like baby formula, nutritious food, diapers, medication, toys, books, etc. We purchase baby formula, food, diapers and supplies from local stores at the best prices to avoid shipping costs and customs fees for daily distribution. $20 a week can…

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Hot Meals

Hot meals save lives! Bulgarian refugee camps are where thousands of refugees find a roof over their heads, but where the meals provided are minimal. Refugees have no means of support for food or facilities to cook for themselves or their children. Families and children are starving! Our partnering teams and volunteers prepare and deliver…

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Ministering to the Refugees in Bulgaria

Bulgaria became a member of the European Union in 2007. Geographically, the country shares a border with Turkey and serves as the land connection between the Middle East and the European Union.

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Advancing the Kingdom Among Muslims

Will Bulgaria Become a Bridge for Islam to Europe or for Christianity to the Middle East?
In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people! Joel 2:28

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