Nehemiah Business Training
Международна Академия по Приложно Християнство “ПО-ВИСОКО ИЗМЕРЕНИЕ” стартира Неемия Бизнес Програма в партньорство с Nehemiah Project Intl НЕЕМИЯ БИЗНЕС ПРОГРАМАТА екипира бизнес лидери в принципите на Библейско предприемачество с цел стартиране, изграждане и разширяване на бизнеси Академия “По-високо Измерение” обявява конкурс за подбиране на двама лидери в областта на бизнес предприемачество, които да бъдат…
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Personal Stories Every refugee has a unique and heartbreaking story. Many left everything familiar behind to start a journey in search of a better life, hope, and freedom. They already started questioning their original beliefs as well as the governing system of their countries. When they witness sincere love and acceptance, they are quite open…
See MoreMinistering to the Refugees in Bulgaria
Bulgaria became a member of the European Union in 2007. Geographically, the country shares a border with Turkey and serves as the land connection between the Middle East and the European Union.
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